I am an advocate of renewable resources and the move away from fossil fuel. For example, I really like the look of the Flying Bum, the three-day-to-NY blimp.
As a cyclist and pedestrian, I can do without the lungfulls of exhaust. So electric vehicles, especially buses, get my vote. This Tesla car is a good move too. But there is one slight snag that is being dangerously overlooked with these newfangled leccy machines.
Being a bit slow on the uptake, I always thought gas - as in the stuff that is piped into houses - smells like it does naturally. It doesn't, as it is odourless. It has been perfumed with Chanel 4.1 so that we can smell a leak. Electric vehicles are quiet - so quiet that you don't know there is a flippin' great No. 73 gliding along behind you. Without all those exploding carburettors, all you can hear is the sound of the tread of their tyres peeling away from the tarrmac. Imagine an articulated HGV creeping up to your wheel. So, designers of electric vehicles let's have some noise!